Hi all
Here are a few short readings for my crit this Monday.
1st link is an article from rhizome that I enjoyed, especially where he is discussing the idea of defaults.
2nd link is the complete interview with kevin bewersdorf that I quoted in my slide show earlier in the semester.
3rd link is an excerpt from the artist statement of aids-3d, a duo that i've been interested in recently.
i'll also include 1 paragraph from mckenzie wark's 'a hacker manifesto', which i started reading but have yet to finish..
[128] Information expresses the potential of potential. When unfettered, it releases the latent capacities of all things and people, objects and subjects. Information is the place upon which objects and subjects come into existence as such. It is the plane upon which the potential for the existance of new objects and subjects may be posited. It is where virtuality comes to the surface.
And for good measure, a youtube video that has nothing to do with my work
I, too, read and enjoyed "After the Amateur" when it was published last spring. It reminded me of Cassandra Jones's Snap-Motion Re-Animations in its use of amateur photography and Claire Pentecost's occasional blog, The Public Amateur, in its embrace of the position of the amateur.